Definition of Bad debt

1. Noun. A debt that is unlikely to be repaid.

Generic synonyms: Debt

Definition of Bad debt

1. Noun. (business accounting) A debt which cannot be recovered from the debtor, either because the debtor doesn't have the money to pay or because the debtor cannot be found and/or forced to pay. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bad Debt

bad apples
bad bank
bad banks
bad beat
bad beats
bad block
bad blood
bad boy
bad boys
bad breath
bad cess
bad check
bad checks
bad cheque
bad condition
bad debt
bad debts
bad egg
bad eggs
bad ending
bad endings
bad eye
bad fairy
bad faith
bad form
bad girl
bad girls
bad guy
bad guys
bad hair day

Literary usage of Bad debt

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Bank Profitability: Methodological Country Notes by OECD Staff (2005)
"... foreign credit institutions (21) bad debt credit with national credit institutions (280) bad debt credit with foreign credit institutions (281) Non-paid ..."

2. Facts, Failures and Frauds: Revelations, Financial, Mercantile, Criminal by David Morier Evans (1859)
"The British Bank had a "bad debt fund." It is on the liabilities side of the account, ... Five per cent, on the net profits went to the "bad debt fund. ..."

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